Wednesday 14 December 2016

Emergency Dental Treatment, Dearborn, MI

Lakewood Dental Smile, Dearborn, MI

                                           No Extra Fee for emergency care!

Lakewood Dental Smile Ltd, Dearborn Mi keep appointments and room open every day for emergencies and people in pain in Dearborn, MI.
We understand that cracked molars, broken crowns, and lost fillings don’t happen on a schedule, and we are NOT going to hike the prices because you are in pain!

While the oral sedation and medication, we are dedicated to helping you get out of pain quickly and providing a long lasting fix to your dental emergency.

Our Emergency Dental Treatment Services Include:
  • Emergency root canals
  • Acute gum disease
  • Broken tooth repair
  • Broken crowns
  • Loose fillings
 Contact us @ +313-271-1800, or Visit us @

Tuesday 13 December 2016

Cosmetic Dentist Dearborn, Mi

"A beatiful Smile can open Doors !"

The practice of Cosmetic dentistry encompasses an amazing array of services and procedures, all with a common goal: to help you to preserve your natural teeth as long as possible, ensure your oral health, and keep you looking and feeling great throughout life. There is so much that can be done these days to improve the appearance of a person's smile at any age. From powerful, professional whitening treatments to amazingly realistic porcelain veneers to state-of-the-art dental implants, there's a wide range of exciting possibilities. The first step in any smile makeover is a thorough dental examination to make sure that your cosmetic problems really are just that, and not a sign of underlying dental disease. Once your health has been established, your smile can be cosmetically enhanced in a variety of ways.


Cosmetic & General Dentistry Procedures

Modern dentistry offers a wide range of services to make sure your teeth stay healthy, function well and look great. These procedures include:

 - Cleanings & Oral Exams, to keep your teeth and gums healthy, and catch early signs of dental disease

- Cosmetic Bonding, to repair small chips or cracks

- Crowns & Bridgework, to replace large amounts of lost tooth structure and/or missing teeth

- Dental Implants, for the longest-lasting tooth replacement available today

- Extractions, to remove unhealthy teeth that cannot be saved

- Fillings, to restore decayed teeth

- Inlays & Onlays, to fill teeth with larger cavities

- Invisalign Clear Aligners, for highly discreet orthodontic treatment

- Oral Cancer Screenings, to detect a dangerous disease that can be cured if caught early

- Orthodontic Treatment, to move teeth into the right position

- Porcelain Veneers, for repairing larger chips and cracks, and reshaping teeth

- Removable Dentures, to help you smile again

- Root Canal Treatment, to rescue diseased teeth

- Sealants, to help prevent cavities

- Teeth Whitening, to brighten a faded or discolored smile

- TMD Treatment, for pain in the jaw area that can interfere with biting and chewing

- Tooth-Colored Fillings, for a completely natural, healthy look

- Tooth Decay Prevention, so you keep your natural teeth as long as possible


When to Visit the Dentist:

Dental appointmentMany people only go to the dentist when something is wrong. That is truly a shame, because they are missing out on so many preventive services that can save discomfort — and expense — down the road. Regular dental visits are essential to make sure oral health problems — from tooth decay to oral cancer — are detected and treated in a timely manner. Some individuals may need to see the dentist more often than others to stay on top of problems like plaque build-up and gum disease, but everyone should go at least once per year.


Your regular dental visits will include a thorough oral exam to check the health of your teeth and gums; and oral cancer screening to spot any suspicious signs early; and a professional cleaning to remove stubborn deposits and make your teeth look and feel great. So don't miss out on the many benefits dentistry offers you and your family!


Your Smile Makeover

The most important job you have as a member of your own smile makeover team is to communicate exactly what you don't like about your smile and how you'd like it to be different. 

Before the first consultation, give some thought to the following questions:


- What do you like or dislike about the color, size, shape and spacing of your teeth?

- Are you pleased with how much your teeth show, both when you smile and when your lips are relaxed?

- Do you want teeth that are perfectly aligned and a bright “Hollywood White,” or would you prefer a more natural look with slight color, shape and shade variations?

- Would you like more or less of your gums to show when you smile?

It is extremely helpful for you to bring in pictures you have collected — of smiles you like, smiles you don't like, and/or photos of the way your own smile used to look, if that's the result you're aiming for. Now is the time to get started on creating a smile that will make you feel as good as you look with Lakewood Dental Smile, Dearborn Mi

Root Canal Treatment, Dearborn, Michigan

Root Canal Treatment

If you are suffering from severe or minute tooth ache, there may be a cavity, infection, tooth decay or gum disease which needs to be solved to get off the aching. Root canal treatment is one of the best options to save your tooth of serious damage to the tooth has occurred. Tooth canal treatment helps you enjoy your own teeth.

1. A Deep Infection

Root canal treatment is wanted when damage or a large hollow space damages the enamel's root. The foundation becomes inflamed or inflamed.

2.  A Route to the Root
The dentist numbs the tooth. An opening is made via the crown of the teeth to the pulp     chamber.                                                                                                                                                                                            

3 Removing the Infected/Inflamed Tissue
Unique files are used to clean the infection and unhealthy pulp out of the canals. Then they shape the canals for the filling material. Sprinkler is used to assist cleaning of the canals and do away with particles.

4. Filling the canals
The canals are packed with a permanent material. Commonly that is achieved with a material called gutta-percha. This facilitates to maintain the canals free of infection or infection.

5. Rebuilding the Tooth
A temporary filling material is located on pinnacle of the gutta-percha to seal the outlet. The filling remains until the enamel receives an everlasting filling or a crown. A crown, every now and then known as a cap, looks as if a natural tooth. It is located over the top of the tooth.

6. Extra Support
In some cases, a submit is located into the root subsequent to the gutta-percha. This gives the crown extra assist. 

7. The Crowning Touch
The crown is cemented into region.


Lakewood Dental Smile, Dearborn Mi, offers best Root Canal or Endodontic Treatment in Dearborn, Mi. To know more about Root canal Therapy and Endodontist available in Dearborn Visit:

 Lakewood Dental Smile, Dearborn, Mi